Green building: shaping a sustainable future, one brick at a time

Green building practices have gained significant traction among homebuilders and buyers nationwide. The essence of green building involves enhancing the efficiency of homes and construction sites, reducing their impact on human health and the environment by conserving energy, water, and materials.

Constructing a green home revolves around making sustainable choices at every stage of the building process. These decisions aim to minimize the environmental footprint of the home during construction and throughout its lifespan.

Energy efficiency stands as a pivotal facet of modern house design. The energy consumption in homes, often sourced from electricity and coal, contributes to environmental concerns such as smog, acid rain, and the risks associated with global climate change. By reducing energy usage, homeowners can lower utility bills, create a more comfortable living environment, and mitigate air pollution.

At TBC Group, we offer advice and consulting services to assist in transforming your house into a green, environmentally conscious home.

The team can help you with any of these energy efficiency improvements below:


Efficient Walls and Windows


Efficient Air Ducts


Efficient Equipment


Efficient Lighting and Applicances
